My Book Basket – Around The World Through My Lens

My Book Basket for January 2021

Listen to the Podcast here:—Around-the-World-Through-My-Lens-by-Jyoti-Jha-ep23mj/a-a1q07v

Name of the book: Around the world through my lens

Author: Jyoti Jha

Available as : E-book and Paper back

Released on: 12 November 2020

Published by: Notion Press

E-Book Released on: 02 December 2020 by Notion Press

Genre: Tourist Destination, Museum Guide with a personal touch

Cover design: Jyoti Jha

Images/Pictures : Jyoti Jha’s lens (Pictures taken byt Jyoti Jha and her family)

The E-book and paperback versions can be bought here on Amazon

Book Blurb: Life is not meant to be in one place. In the times of corona  scare, when the world is shut down and there are restrictions on travelling, the author takes a dive into the memories of some amazing places across the globe from her travelogue. Memories, footprints and the yearning to visit some known locations and a few offbeat ones, all of them are expressed through words and pictures, with a touch of personal details and the author’s exceptional experiences with these destinations. The book intends to give a visual delight to anyone who loves to travel and provides a glimpse of some lovely destinations from India, USA, UK, Europe and Japan, and the points of interest in those places. Keeping the motivation high for exploring the world as it becomes accessible again, the author presents these places Around the World through My Lens.

Around The World Through My Lens, tourist destinations spread across 3 continents is an absolute delight to read. Right from the cover with the horizon and never-ending sky, that conveys a sense of calmness, love and tranquility,to the subtle tips given by the author, this Travel memoir – guide has it all.

The book, right from the beginning is well-organised giving the reader much more than un coup d’œil on travel destinations in India, USA, UK, Europe and Japan. Each destination has a short introduction with a personal touch by the author. The titles of each destination are a defining attribute of the book with Grooving in the Coastal Isle of Wight and Mystified by Picturesque Prague being my favorites. There are 31 tourist destinations with exquisite images leaving you quenched for more. The well-laid out information about the tourist sites entice you to wander away into the most distant spot of the world.

The creative style of the author to merge personal visits into a memoir as well a travel guide is one of the highs of the books where I connect with the author instantly. For me reading is the bond between the author and reader, Around The World Through My Lens fulfills this criteria. A must-mention is about the beautiful images or pictures, be-it the snow-capped houses at Halifax, the lush green landscapes in the Coastal Isle of Wight, or the historical Prime Median running through Greenwich.

The E-book, first launched by Blogchatter, received an amazing response, the author decided to go a step further, releasing the paperback. One of the best professional decisions.

Author Bio: Winner of TOI Write India Season 3, Jyoti Jha is a professional content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the human resources industry. An MBA graduate having worked for companies like Whirlpool and Infosys the the past, she made a conscious choice of taking a break from her career and travelling places with her family.

Her passion for expression through words, and observational nature and intensive listening skills, motivated her to embark on her second innings in the filed of creative and content writing. Writing for her is liberating, and a process of self-discovery and continuous learning.

Nominated “Author of the year” in the Ne8x Litfest 2020, for her book, Around The World Through My Lens, many of her posts like Recycling – A Contemporary scope of Eco-Architecture and Indian Start-ups – All Doom and Gloom have been featured and published.

She is a contributing author in the unique anthology The Woman That I Am.

A globe-trotter and an avid reader, she likes tussling with words to find her voice, she blogs at My Views and Reviews .

I highly recommend Around The World Through My Lens. It is enchanting, captivating and enthralling.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla, and happily SPONSORED BY RRE Studios and SHOWCASE Events.