Four Teens

photo of four girls wearing school uniform doing hand signs
Photo by 周 康 on

A: Hi Guys! what’s new?

B: Nothing… holidays are usually boring.

C: Yes… Parents around.

A: So what?

D: Nice to have them at home. Or else they are usually all dressed and hurrying?

B: It’s better that way. At least they don’t tell us what to do.

A: Why does someone have to tell you what to do, if you do what you have to do.

C: They are all the time lecturing us on time management, mobile and studies. No more topics left under the sun to discuss.

B: True that!

D: We discuss politics, bollywood, hollywood, and even relatives.

A: Don’t you tell them about your friends and teachers?

C: Friends!! The minute I say friend… there is a siren at home.

A: Why?

C: My friends are categorised into two sections; one whom I call friends and the second set consists of whom my parents call my friends. Hence, I detest talking about friends.

D: Then what do you talk about?

C: I don’t talk… I listen.

A: Ok, now listen to me… Ha… Ha… ok hear this, the reason I called you all is that today is my Dad’s birthday and mom wants to give him a surprise but she doesn’t know what and how. Pool in some ideas!

B: Does you mom discuss all this with you? Great!

A: Of course. Why?

B: My mom is always in the kitchen when I am around. I don’t even think she remembers Dad’s birthday.

A: And on holidays?

B: She takes art sessions.

A: Wow, she is an artist.

B: Yes, and when she is free she is busy cooking for us, and only telling me to either study or arrange my cupboard.

D: Guess what I found when I arranged my cupboard last week. Our UNO pack of cards that we used to play every summer vacation.

C: My dad keeps telling me to clean my shelf and study table, as if I am even going to study.

A: Why… don’t you study?

C: Who studies all the time? I study only for the exams.

B: Same here, but I do a little math homework otherwise a call goes to my Dad.

A: Anyway guys, it’s my Dad’s birthday…

D: We remember… how about getting a cake?

A: I have done that. Something different.

B: Why different? Is you dad going to appreciate it. All that my dad would say “you shouldn’t have spent so much money”.

A: I don’t want to think about that. My mom and I want to surprise him… that’s her idea. Do you get it?

B: How will I get it when my dad surprises me every time with a new reason to shout at me?

A: That’s ridiculous. Why does your dad shout at you?

B: That’s because he doesn’t like me.

A: Why doesn’t he like you? What does he say that makes you feel that way?

B: He calls me useless all the time.

A: And why do you think he does that?

B: Because when he comes home, I am sleepy and just lazing around.

A: Do you greet him when he comes?

B: No

A: Do you tell him about your school?

B: No

A: Then what do you do?

B: Nothing.

A: No wonder he calls you useless.

C: ha.. ha.. ha… hee… hee… hee…

A: Quiet here, My Dad’s bithday is coming to an end dicussing his dad, and you are laughing.

C: Sorry Dude.

D: My dad walks in with a contagious smile and always has something hilarious to tell us.

B: My dad is hilarious, he walks in with the phone on one ear, walks straight into the room, and comes back with the phone on the other ear.

A: I think you must have dinner with your dad and prove it to him that you are not useless.

B: Tried that too… he only asks how much did I study today and whether I have a test tomorrow? For both which I always reply in the negative and this upsets him. And then he goes back to the ear-changing action on the phone.

C: I sneak into my room the minute dad comes. He’a always asking me silly things like do you know what happened in the parliament today?

D: I wait for my Dad.

B: I  go to sleep before he arrives.

A: It’s my Dad’s birthday today!!!!



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Author: Srishti Rajeev

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25 thoughts on “Four Teens”

  1. Interesting! Feels like a different world at 54 🙂 Teens will be teens..the hormones are messed up big time.
    But yes..parents need to spend more time with them and less on their mobiles and social do’s.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Brilliant conversation. felt like I could imagine it. But i wanted to know what happened for A’s dad’s birthday, finally? #LiveItYoungReads #MyFriendAlexa

    Liked by 1 person

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